Gold Town Games Publishing is a full-service internal & external publisher. Internal meaning we serve the company group games, external meaning, we are willing to meet with your studio! Below some of our core services are described in-depth.



We know the importance of planning. The first step in launching a succesful game is setting up a roadmap that enables all of the component factors of a game production to shine. 



The marketspace for mid and hardcore mobile games is increasingly competitive and hard to navigate. Data is though to manage, and the ever-changing nature of both the marketing platforms, as well as user trends, means todays winners could be tomorrows losers. Through extensive A/B testing and new channel discovery tactics, we help you succeed.

A key component to becoming a winner in any competitive marketspace is gaining control over your customer retention. Customer retention strategies are shockingly under-used in the mobile games sphere, even though good games might not even be able to keep a mere 15% of its user base for more than one week!

Being concrete, User Retention at scale, in practice comes down to a few core skills, being able to map user journeys, build dynamic segments and re-engaging users through automated retargeting flows. 




Which monetization model should we go for? Do we have the right balance between our currencies? Is our content just not interesting enough for us to make more money right now?

Those are just some of the day-to-day, but also incredibly important questions mobile game developers face every day. We know, we have seen it upclose many times ourselves.

At GTG, we hold expertise in both monetization modeling, as well as developing & testing monetization setups for scaling. We will help you navigate the virtual djungle that is monetizing a game in 2021.



We hold extensive know-how in App Store Optimization, and know the difference it can make in finding those margin-increasing high-relevance organic users. ASO can help you increase conversion by x2-x4, as well as increaser user retention significally.

Public Relations

PR is a two-folded edge, where on the one hand it can help you increase organic installs, and on the other helps you in B2B development of your brand, depending on the situation, there is almost always a use of good PR work.

Community Management

We see community management as an incredibly useful tool to both help app developers increase their brand value, as well as to provide useful user input to the development roadmap.

Live Ops

Good Live Ops in mobile games is a true differentiator in profitability. Users in most segments are continually being primed towards an experience where new, relevant in-game content needs to be provided at a high pace.

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